Pregnant Mums Group

The Orca’s – COMING SOON

Ladies, being pregnant can be overwhelming and thinking about coming out at the other end with a new-born baby to look after can feel so scary.

Those first few months with a new-born can feel so much lighter if you have people to share it with. Partners can be a wonderful source of support but sometimes we need to talk to someone who is going through it in the same way we are.

Other people with babies the same age, in the same boat, who understand exactly what you’re going through. They’re up at 3am feeding and rocking and shushing too and they can be at the other end of a phone to say ‘I’M EXHAUSTED WHY WON’T THEY JUST GO TO SLEEEEP’.

How do you meet those people?

You meet them at ‘The Orca’s: Pregnant Mums Group’ here at Tiddlers.

We’ll have four weekly sessions for you to meet other pregnant mums in the area and share your fears and excitement about becoming a mum.

The sessions will begin 2 months before your due date month to talk about birth, feeding (however you choose to feed) and how you’re feeling. We won’t be focusing on the medical aspects of your pregnancy or birth, our aim is to give expecting mums the space and time to air out your thoughts and feelings and, most importantly, to make friends.


What’s included?

  • The price includes 4 fun sessions of 90 minutes with a maximum group of 8 expectant mums.
  • Free meet up and play session at Tiddlers with your little ones the month after you’ve all had your babies.

Whether it’s your 1st baby or your 5th, let us help you build your village one strong woman at a time.